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The Untimely Death of Mrs Margaret Dickson.

Mrs Margaret Dickson.

Mrs Margaret Dickson.

It is with great personal sadness that I record the passing of Margaret Dickson, late wife to our Provincial Grand Master of Antrim – Rt Wor Bro John Dickson. Margaret had been struggling with illness for some considerable time, and always presented a happy and contented face to the world. For some reason, in my mind, her smiling face and happy countenance will always be associated with the RNLI Breakfasts at Redhall Masonic Lodge No 260 I.C. Here she would invariably be, at John’s side, speaking to all and sundry, as the good countryman’s wife that she undoubtedly was. Without trying, she could foster thoughts of home cooking, peat fires and the joys of country life.

Brethren, this was no mean skill to have, and her winning ways made her many friends amongst the Masonic Brethren of Ireland. To meet her was to know her, and to know her was to introduce yourself to one of the most relaxed, reassuring and engaging personalities on the Masonic circuit. Sadly she has been called to better things above, and our thoughts and prayers go out to John, at this time, as he gets used to the thoughts of her absence from his side.

Someone once described Death as a key, the means of moving on to that next part of your life, leaving your family, friends and acquaintances behind, whilst your spirit goes on to fulfil its destiny. Margaret is now at that point in her life and, we that are left behind will do our best to gather round and comfort John and the rest of the family circle, at this time.

Margaret’s funeral will be on Thursday 24th March 2016 at 2.00pm in Ballinderry Presbyterian Church, Meeting House Lane, Upper Ballinderry .(Post Code BT28 2NN)