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Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire and Isle of Wight boost HIOWAA funds | Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire and Isle of Wight have been supporting HIOWAA for many years and they are hugely grateful to them for their generosity and continued support.

Provincial Grand Master Mike Wilks and David Foot visited HIOWAA offices on Kings Park Road to present a cheque for £4,000, bringing the total that they have raised for us over the years to more than £30,000.  They both took the time meet staff and to pose as two of our favourite Be a 999 Hero characters; Teddy Medic and Pilot Stu!  Mike is photographed here with HIOWAA Head of Income Generation, Rachel Scholes Hamilton and Charity Manager, Sherie Williams Ellen.

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire and Isle of Wight donate regularly to charities throughout the community and HIOWAA are very lucky to benefit from their benevolence.