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Philip visits Adelphi at the Adelphi

For the installation meeting of Adelphi Lodge No 6819, the members were honoured by the presence of Philip Gunning, on his first visit in his new office of Deputy Provincial Grand Master to witness a fine ceremony when Jonothan Mitchell was installed into the chair of King Solomon.

The WM Harry White assisted by the officers of the lodge opened the meeting and the general business of the evening was conducted, which included a ballot for an initiate John David Clarke, which proved unanimous.  The new WM will have a busy year ahead of him.

After opening in the second and third degrees, the DC Paul Shirley retired and when he returned he announced that the PrDGDC Malcolm Bell was without and sought admission. Malcolm was admitted and announced that the Deputy Provincial Grand Master was outside the lodge and demanded admission. In response, Harry on behalf of all present informed Malcolm that they would be very happy to receive him. Philip, accompanied by Assistant Provincial Grand Master Derek Parkinson, Bill Culshaw the Gladstone Group Chairman, together with other grand and Provincial grand officers, were admitted.

Pictured from left to right, are: Malcolm Bell, Derek Parkinson, Philip Gunning, Jonothan Mitchell (newly installed WM), Harry White and Bill Culshaw.

Pictured from left to right, are: Malcolm Bell, Derek Parkinson, Philip Gunning, Jonothan Mitchell (newly installed WM), Harry White and Bill Culshaw.

Philip was formally welcomed by Harry who offered him the gavel, which on this occasion was returned to him. Malcolm then conducted the salutations to Philip and the grand and Provincial grand officers. In turn they thanked the brethren and greeted them well.

Labour was resumed in the second degree. Harry then invited Stuart Keyes to occupy the senior warden’s chair and Stuart Irvine to occupy the junior warden’s chair, Eric Mahoney was asked to occupy the position of the inner guard. The master elect, Jonothan, was presented by Eric Mahoney. The secretary, Tom Smith, then read out the antient charges to which Jonothan gave is full assent. Jonothan then recited the obligation of master elect with much sincerity. Prior to continuing, Harry proceeded to thank all his officers who had assisted him during his year as master. He then thanked all below the rank of master Masons and subsequently all below the rank of an installed master, to retire from the lodge when Jonothan was installed in fine manner by Harry.  After being declared master for the first time by Harry and saluted as an installed master, the board of installed master’s was closed and master Masons, fellow craft and entered apprentices were admitted in turn to salute the newly installed master, Jonothan,

Pictured from left to right, front row are: Joe Bellis, Don Edwards, Dave Douglas, Jon Mitchell WM, Mike Fox, Harry White and Joe Muscroft. Back row from left to right, are: Paul Wilson, Paul Dooley and Paul Shirley.

Pictured from left to right, front row are: Joe Bellis, Don Edwards, Dave Douglas, Jon Mitchell WM, Mike Fox, Harry White and Joe Muscroft. Back row from left to right, are: Paul Wilson, Paul Dooley and Paul Shirley.

Working tools were then presented by the following brethren, Dean Dwyer – third degree, Stuart Allen – second degree and Andy Fairway – first degree. The secretary presented the warrant, book of constitutions and by-laws of the lodge to Jonothan prior to the addresses. The Address to the master was given by Paul Shirley with much sincerity.  The address to the wardens by Paul Dooley.

After appointing his officer’s for the following year, namely, Harry White IPM,   Dave Douglas SW, Mike Fox JW, Joe Bellis treasurer, Tom Smith secretary, Don Edwards chaplin, Paul Wilson charity steward, Paul Shirley DC, Paul Dooley ADC and Joe Muscroft mentor.

Philip then addressed the members of Adelphi Lodge and as the ceremony of installation was concluded, he then conveyed congratulations to Jonothan from the PrGM Tony Harrison with the hope that he would enjoy good health for his year as a ruler in the Craft. Jonothan thanked Philip and handed over a number of cheques totalling the magnificent sum of £3,000: £2,000 to the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity, £300 for the Freemasons Grand Charity, £500 to the Believe Charity (Trevor Bates), £250 to the McIntyre Charity (WM).

Philip said that the magnificent amount raised by such a relatively small lodge was to be praised. The monies raised by the members during the last year from both the sponsored bike ride and the summer barbeque show the lodge to be both hardworking and charitable. The recipients, although not knowing who the individual contributors were, would be eternally grateful.  The brethren applauded loudly.

Following communications from Grand Lodge, Philip and the rest of the grand officers retired. The business of the lodge once concluded, Jonothan then closed the lodge in due form and perfect harmony.

The members and guests took their places at the dining tables to enjoy a fine meal.

The brethren enjoy the festive board.

The brethren enjoy the festive board.