Freemasons’ Gift of Joy to a Teen with Special Needs in Pembrokeshire

Community Compassion: How Freemasons Transformed a Teenager's Life in Pembrokeshire

The Beginning of a Transformative Journey In the heart of Pembrokeshire, a heartwarming narrative unfolds, showcasing the profound impact of community compassion and collective effort. Thirteen-year-old Ella Meacham’s life, marked by the challenges of navigating neurological conditions, has taken a turn for the better. With the aid of a wheelchair and various mobility aids, Ella … Read more

New Zealand Freemasons make changes

One of the many casualties of Covid-19 and the lockdown has been charitable organisations  such as Freemasonry.With gatherings not permitted, the social aspect of such organisations was the first to be suspended, but the philanthropic work carries on. Ruapehu Masonic District Grand Master Ash Williamson says Freemasonry New Zealand responded immediately to the pandemic.

The Man in Masonry

It is my task to review, or examine, with you the character of the mature mason. To do so we must first ask ourselves: What is maturity? No definition can better that of the dictionary — “the state of being, complete, perfect or ready.” Let us consider the aspect of completion

The Characteristics of a Freemason

As a point of departure and a brief introduction to our new member, let us look at him as he progresses through the various ceremonies involved in becoming a Freemason. During the course of his initiation, he was admonished to consider the volume of the sacred law an unerring standard of truth and justice and to regular his life by the divine precepts which it contains