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First International Meeting of European Masonic Lodges in Toulon in May 2017

Illustration from Spirit of Freemasonry ipublished 1775.

Illustration from Spirit of Freemasonry published 1775.

The steering committee of ICOM 2017 has pleasure in announcing the following:-


The Grand Loge de France are the organisers of the first International Meeting of Lodges of Research, called ICOM 2017, to be held 19th to 21st May 2017, at Toulon in the south of France. Welcoming all public for two days, they will be preceded by an afternoon reserved to the partners, speakers and panels chairmen of the event


This conference will gather 26 of the leading world Masonic historians, along with the most important lodges of research from the principal obediences and jurisdictions. See the attached list.

The central theme of this first event is :


Operative origins ; Establishment in England ; Heritage in the World, America, and Europe

This year we especially honour Masonic research in Australia and New Zealand, represented by the Australia and New Zealand Masonic Research Council (ANZMRC).

The scientific committee of ICOM 2017 will be co-chaired by Alain Bernheim and Louis Trebuchet.


Two plenary presentations and ninteen round table sessions will allow a well rounded development of the theme. Each will be chaired by a different lodge of research. The topics of each conference and round table will be published subsequently. A participation fee will be asked for the plenaries and panels.


Instructions Des H...G...

Instructions Des H…G…

• A Book Fair

General and specialist booksellers of both new, used and antiquarian books, independent editors, and authors will be present. Free access.

Example of Early Napoleonic Prisioner of War Jewels.

Example of Early Napoleonic Prisioner of War Jewels.

• A Masonic Exhibition

As part of the celebration of the ‘Nuit des Musées’, the museum of the Grande Loge de France will display a selection of pieces from its collection and from private collections. Free Access.

• A Tasting Wine Bar

A collection of ‘vignerons’, ‘caves’ and ‘domaines’ from the Mediterranean area will offer their crus for tasting and for sale. Free Access.

• Le Dîner des Lumières

The guest of honour at the dinner will be Jean-Noël Jeanneney who will talk on ‘The Responsibility of the Historian, looking to the world and to the evolution of civilization’.

Historian of politics, of culture and of the media, past minister, past President of the ‘Bibliothèque Nationale Francaise’ (BnF), past President of Radio France, President of the committee of the Bicentenary of the Revolution, as well as the ‘Rencontres de photo d’Arles’, he is also a producer of programmes on France Culture. Paid access, requiring advance booking.

Irish Lodge Master 1750.

Irish Lodge Master 1750.

• A Historic Masonic Re-enactment

Lodge No.1 of the GLDF, Saint Jean d’Ecosse, Mother ‘Scottish’ lodge of Marseille, has reconstructed as theatre a ceremony of initiation, in costume of the time and using their ritual from the XVIIIth century. This is NOT a tyled meeting; although access will be restricted to brothers and sisters upon proof.

• Publication of the Contributions

Each conference and round table will be recorded, and those attending will be able to acquire these recordings.

All contributions will also be included in the illustrated publication of the proceedings. The Proceedings will go on sale later; participants will be notified of their availability and how they may be purchased.


Throughout both days the cloakroom, bar and a midday (purchased) buffet will be available for guests.

2 car parks within close proximity.

Numerous hotels and guest rooms in the town.

The ‘Palais Neptune’ is in the heart of the old city, inside the pedestrian area, and at the edge of the old port of Toulon.


Please go to to register, for news and information, printing of entry badges, and to contact the organisers.


The City of Toulon, Credit Mutuel Méditerranéen and the Regional Council PACA are partners of ICOM 2017


Steering Committee of ICOM 2017 : Michel Lecour (33) 6 12 28 42 97 [email protected]


Robert Bashford, Lodge of Research No.CC, (GL of Ireland)

Pierre Yves Beaurepaire, Professeur d’histoire moderne Université de Sophia Antipolis

John Belton Lodge, Quatuor Coronati Lodge No.2076 (UGLE)

Alain Bernheim, Membre d’Honneur of the Supreme Conseil de France

Bruno Berthet WM of Lodge No.1, Saint Jean d’Ecosse, Mère Loge écossaise de Marseille (GLDF)

Klaus Bettag, Freimaurerische Forschungsvereinigung Frederik (Flensburg Germany)

John Hairston, Prince Hall Harmony Lodge No.2, (PHAGLWA Seattle, WA, USA)

Colin Heyward, Past President of Australia & New-Zealand Masonic Research Council

Yves Hivert-Messeca, Aréopage Sources (SCGC REAA GODF)

Margaret Jacob, Distinguished Professor of History, UCLA (USA)

Marsha Keith Schuchard PhD, Atlanta, Georgia (USA)

Michel Lecour, WM Loge de recherche Mare Nostrum (GLDF)

Adrian Mac Liman Centro Ibérico de Estudios Masónicos, Madrid

Henry Mackelbert Hon Grand Commandeur (SC de Belgique)

Iain McIntosh, Lodge Discovery No.1789 (GL of Scotland)

Christian Mermet, S. T. R., Secrétaire de la Fondation Latomia

Pierre Mollier, Conservateur du Musée du Grand Orient de France

Brent Morris 33e, SC (SJ) of the USA, Editor of Heredom, Scottish Rite Research Society

Neil Wynes Morse, President Australia & New-Zealand Masonic Research Council

Aubrey Newman, Emeritus Professor of History, University of Leicester, Quatuor Coronati Lodge No.2076 (UGLE)

Andreas Önnerfors, Research Lodge Carl Friedrich Eckleff, (GL of Sweden)

Michel Pelissier, Président de la commission d’histoire du SCDF

Jacques Simon, Grand Orateur du Suprême Conseil pour la France

Jan Snoek, Freimaurerische Forschungsvereinigung Frederik (Flensburg, Germany)

Louis Trebuchet, WM Loge de recherche Marquis de La Fayette (GLDF)

Georges Vieux, (GL of California)


La loge Mare Nostrum (GLDF) will preside at the Opening of the Conference.

La loge Marquis de La Fayette (GLDF) will preside at the Closing of the Conference

The round tables will be presided over by :

QC logo

QC logo

Quatuor Coronati No.2076 (UGLE)

Aréopage Les Chevaliers du Saint Empire (SCDF)

Aréopage Sources (SC GODF)

Villard de Honnecourt (GLNF)

Scottish Rite Research Society (SC (SJ) USA)

Quatuor Coronati Bayreuth No.808 (VGLvD)

Ars Macionica #30 (GLR Belgique) to be confirmed

Groupe de Recherche Alpina (Suisse) to be confirmed

American Lodge of Research (GL of New York, USA)

Lodge Hope Kurrachee No.337 (GL of Scotland) to be confirmed

lodge 200 cc coloursmall

lodge 200 cc coloursmall

Lodge of Research No.CC (GL of Ireland)

Quatuor Coronati No.1166 Perugia (GO of Italy) to be confirmed

Research Lodge Carl Friedrich Eckleff (GL of Sweden)

Australian and New Zealand Masonic Research Council

Jean Scot Erigène No.1000 (GLDF)

Loge de Recherche Bartholdi (GLNF Méditerranée)

Claude-François Achard (LNF) to be confirmed

Diogène de Sinope No.1333, Lomé (GLDF)

Freimaurerische Forschungsvereinigung Frederik (VGLvD)

Contre-Amiral Vence (ASPOMA)

Commission d’Histoire du Droit Humain

GLTSO to be confirmed

Loge de Recherche Gérard de Nerval (GL-AMF)

Commission d’Histoire (GLFF)