Masonic Charitable Foundation – Advancing the Fight Against AMD: The Research Journey of PhD Student Richard Scharff

At the heart of the Freemasons' philanthropic mission is a deep-seated belief in the power of research to transform lives and communities. By funding innovative studies across a broad spectrum of medical fields, from oncology and neurology to mental health and geriatrics, Freemasons play a critical role in the global quest to alleviate suffering and enhance quality of life. These medical research grants, administered with a combination of vision, rigor, and compassion, underscore the Freemasons' dedication to the welfare of humanity and their unwavering support for the scientific community.

In the vast landscape of philanthropy, few organizations have made as profound and enduring an impact on medical research as the Freemasons. Through their charitable arms, including the notable Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) in England, Freemasons have long championed the cause of advancing medical knowledge and improving public health. This commitment is vividly embodied in their sponsorship of medical research grants, a pivotal effort that seeks not only to uncover new scientific knowledge but also to pave the way for ground-breaking treatments and cures for some of humanity’s most daunting health challenges.

Unveiling the Layers: William Hogarth a Master of Metaphor and Masonic Imagery

Hogarth's engraving unfolds as a vivid tableau, signaling the dawn of a transformative era through the lens of a satirical nativity parade and a coronation procession.

William Hogarth, an artist deeply entrenched in the Masonic tradition, utilized his art to create a secret tapestry of Freemasonry’s rituals, symbols, and internal dynamics. Hogarth’s engravings are not mere art; they are cryptic archives, requiring an astute key to unveil the clandestine messages hidden within. His work subtly satirizes Masonic rituals, political undertones, and … Read more

Freemasons Donate £4,000 to Blood Bikes

This act of kindness was not an isolated event; it reflects the Freemasons’ ongoing commitment to charitable causes. The Masonic Charitable Foundation matched the donation, doubling the impact of this gesture and reinforcing the strong partnership between the two organizations.

In a heartwarming display of community support, the Freemasons of Cumbria have made a significant financial contribution to Blood Bikes Cumbria, a vital service providing emergency transport for the healthcare sector. The generous donation of £4,000 was presented by the head of Cumbria Freemasons, Bill Bewley, in a meeting with the dedicated team of Blood … Read more

Working tools of a Master Mason (3rd)

I now present to you the working tools of a Master mason. They are the Skirret, Pencil and Compass. The Skirret is an implement which acts on a centre pin, whence a line is drawn to mark out ground for the foundation of the intended structure. With the Pencil the skilful artist delineates the building … Read more