Reading Time: 3 minutes

Eddie does a fine job

At the installation meeting of Foundation Chapter No 5394, the companions witnessed a fine ceremony at Urmston Masonic Hall as Denis Tierney was installed into the first principal’s chair, in a well-directed ceremony by Eddie Wilkinson, supported by his installing officers under the careful direction of director of ceremonies Jonathan Platt.

Eddie addresses the companions.

Eddie addresses the companions.

The principal guest on this occasion was Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals Barry Jameson supported by Peter Muriel, Warwick Davenport and Group Vice Chairman David Durling. Barry was also accompanied by acting Provincial grand officers Peter Blease (PrGStdB), Alan Jones (PrDepGSwdB) and Bill Bagnall (PrDepGReg).

After conducting the administrative business of the chapter the first principal Eddie Wilkinson welcomed Barry into the chapter. In return, Barry acknowledged his kind words of welcome saying he was looking forward to an enjoyable evening as a guest of the chapter.

The ceremony was carried out in a sincere and dignified manner as Mike Sincup was installed into the third principal’s chair, Peter Stockton into the second principal’s chair and Denis Tierney into the fist principal’s chair. The scripture readings were delivered by scribe Ezra David Poppitt. The scarlet robe address was presented by Howard Carr, the purple robe address was presented by Phil Rampling and the blue robe address also by Phil Rampling.

On completion of the ceremony, Barry rose to bring greetings and congratulations of the Grand Superintendent Tony Harrison, wishing the principals well during their year of office. Barry continued by also congratulating Eddie for his part in installing his successor as first principal, thanking him for all the work he had done for the chapter and the Royal Arch during his year in office. He concluded the good wishes of the Grand Superintendent by congratulating all the companions of the chapter who had taken part in the installation ceremony.

Denis then had the pleasure of presenting Barry with a charity cheque to the value of £250 to the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity to which Barry received with thanks saying that the beneficiaries would be most grateful. Barry and his officers then retired from the chapter to be joined by the rest of the companions in sharing an enjoyable festive board.

Pictured from left to right, are: Barry Jameson, Peter Stockton, Denis Tierney and Mike Sincup.

Pictured from left to right, are: Barry Jameson, Peter Stockton, Denis Tierney and Mike Sincup.

Later in the evening in response to the toast to the grand officers, Barry gave his own congratulations and good wishes to the three principals, all of whom are occupying their positions for the first time, and to the companions of the chapter for their kind hospitality extended to him and his team. He thanked the group vice chairman David Durling and the acting Provincial grand officers for their attendance and support.

Barry commented on the enthusiasm of the chapter and that it is thriving with five more candidates waiting and suggested that it was certainly going to be a busy year ahead for the principals and officers. Barry stated that he was conscious of the fact that many of his listeners would have heard the ‘messages from the Province’ on numerous other occasions but he craved both their patience and indulgence.

In a very succinct manner he sketched out the essential developments that were pertinent to Royal Arch Freemasonry, articulately highlighting the success of the exaltation ceremony enhancements and the Talking Heads initiative. He was pleased to report that it appeared from the statistics available to date that these innovative ideas were providing tangible stimulus to the success of the Royal Arch in the Province.

Barry went on to mention that the Province would soon be going into the next festival that would inevitably divert charitable donations away from the regular Masonic charities. However, he urged everyone not to forget local charities and in particular, the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity giving it maximum support up to the start of the festival. That way Masonry can make a significant difference in the local communities. He concluded his response by encouraging the companions to continue to enjoy their Masonry and thanked all for what had been a very enjoyable evening.

Pictured from left to right, are: Barry Jameson, Peter Stockton, Denis Tierney, Mike Sincup, Eddie Wilkinson, Alan Jones and Peter Blease.

Pictured from left to right, are: Barry Jameson, Peter Stockton, Denis Tierney, Mike Sincup, Eddie Wilkinson, Alan Jones and Peter Blease.