The point about the RA which I want to discuss involves manipulation of the Divine Name in its Hebrew form, and although it may seem as though I am not talking about Freemasonry at all, I think you will find that, as 1 proceed, your attention will be seized by the similarities between what 1 am writing about and the intentions of those who compiled the RA ritual. In addition, I hope what 1 say will illustrate my contention about the rise speculative Freemasonry and the RA.

Proposed New Chapter for Oxfordshire

Over the last few months, there has been a considerable amount of activity within Semper Paratus Lodge concerning the possible formation of a new Chapter. Due to the increasing success of the Lodge, which had 14 members when it relocated from London to the Province 5 years ago and now has over 40, there is a need to provide additional stimulus and growth within the Semper Paratus circle.

Historical Origins of the Mark Degree

The Mark is a ceremony or degree [sometimes called the ‘friendly’ degree], conferrable today only to Master Masons and forms part of a hierarchical organization. In Craft Masonry it was quite a late innovation making its appearance during the mid-1700s.  However we do know that Operative Masons, without any kind of ceremony, were taking marks 150 years before the Mark came into use as part of that particular ceremony.

Stanley Littler Brown celebrates his Golden Jubilee

Sadly Stanley was unable to celebrate his Golden Jubilee in the Holy Royal Arch in his mother Chapter of  Faith No 484 in May owing to illness, however, the companions did celebrate Stanley’s  50 years in Royal Arch Masonry in his absence. Ian presents Stanley with his certificate to mark his 50 years of Royal … Read more