Reading Time: 6 minutes

A grand finale and fitting tribute to Stanley at Carnforth

On the occasion of his final official duty and as the guest of honour at Carnforth Chapter No 4951 installation meeting, Stanley Oldfield Third Provincial Grand Principal was given a rousing welcome at Kerneford Hall, Carnforth. It would have been difficult to imagine a more distinguished line-up of grand, Provincial grand and acting Provincial grand officers than that which converged on the meeting to wish Stanley well for his imminent retirement.


Pictured from left to right are: Kevan Isherwood, Stanley Oldfield, Chris Brown, Fred Frobisher and Peter Pemberton.

The first principal elect, Chris Brown was equally impressed by the assembly and was quick to assure Stanley that the chapter was both flattered and honoured that Carnforth had been chosen as the location for Stanley’s last official duty.

The grand officers supporting Stanley included Chris Band, Paul Renton AtoPrGP’s, Peter Mason, Rowley Saunders, Frank Clarke and Keith Lowson. A full dozen acting Provincial grand officers led by Provincial Grand Scribe Nehemiah Tony Hall ensured that the entry and recessional assemblies were particularly impressive. The Lancaster and District Group was represented by Peter Pemberton vice chairman and Neil McGill secretary and they were joined by many installed principals from chapters in the group.

Once the first principal Peter Thompson had duly opened the chapter, assisted by the two acting co-principals Kevan Isherwood and Fred Frobisher, the notice of a report led to the admittance of Barrie Crossley PrDGDC who announced that Stanley demanded admission to the chapter.  On being received by the three principals, the customary words of welcome were given by Peter Thompson and Stanley responded in a similar manner.

The installation ceremony itself was scheduled to be a fairly abbreviated event as only the first principal was scheduled to be installed that evening and this proved to be a simple task as Chris Brown had already occupied that position previously in another chapter. Nonetheless Peter demonstrated both skill and sincerity as he installed Chris into the first principals chair. On attaining the chair, Chris announced that despite their unavoidable absences, his co-principals Chris Isherwood and Bob Roe were being proclaimed as second and third principal respectively for a further year. At this point he expressed his gratitude to Kevan Isherwood and Fred Frobisher for their assistance in occupying the two vacant chairs.

The traditional robe address to the first principal was given by retiring chapter secretary Alan Thompson, the address to the three principals was delivered by Alan Procter and that to the chapter officers by Frank Senior. These fine performances were rounded off by an exemplary delivery of the address to the companions by chapter stalwart and retiring treasurer Joe Dixon. In appointing and investing the officers of the chapter, the newly installed first principal Chris Brown paid special tribute to the retiring secretary Alan Thompson and gave very special thanks to Joe Dixon who was stepping down as treasurer after having occupied the officer for 27 years.


Stanley (front row, third right) receives a presentation from the ‘retiring’ acting Provincial grand officers.

On completion of the appointments, Stanley Oldfield rose to extend the congratulations and thanks of the Grand Superintendent Tony Harrison to all those who had been invested and appointed. He individually addressed each of the main participants with words of congratulation and praise reserving special thanks for Joe Dixon in acknowledgement of his outstanding service to the chapter over such a long period of time. On completion of this, Peter Thompson presented him with both cheques and details of the charitable donations made by the chapter. These consisted of £667 to the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity and £50 to The Palace, St Annes – on – Sea. On behalf of both recipients, Stanley gave grateful thanks.

Immediately following the recession of the visiting dignitaries, a special presentation was made by Tony Hall in the dining suite on behalf of the acting Provincial grand officers to mark Stanley’s retirement from office. Tony expressed the admiration and respect of all present for the contribution that Stanley had made to the continuing success of Royal Arch Masonry within the Province and then presented him with a card, together with an appropriate gift that he suggested could be ‘imbibed, whilst relaxing’. Stanley was both surprised and touched by the gesture and responded by thanking the acting officers for both their support and friendship.

A positive and inspiring final address from Stanley, watched by Barrie Crossley (right)

A positive and inspiring final address from Stanley, watched by Barrie Crossley (right)

A well subscribed festive board was subsequently enjoyed in the Kerneford dining suite, where many complimentary remarks were heard, especially concerning the quality of the steak pie! The proceedings moved on apace and quite appropriately, in responding to the third toast, Stanley had some inspiring and thought provoking observations to make. He began by recollecting his own experience in the 1960’s of joining Freemasonry and the secrecy that shrouded the Order at that time, paradoxically noting that the 60’s were often seen as a period of radical change, new ideas and innovation. Such, he suggested, was not the case for Masonry back in those days! In relating his own early experiences, he demonstrated how change occurring through natural evolution can ensure the continuing success of Freemasonry. He suggested that the core principals and tenets can be maintained whilst adopting a responsive and empathic policy in addressing the needs and aspirations of new and younger members in our organisation. He made reference to the ‘Light Blue’s’ clubs that are gaining both popularity and impetus within the Province as they organise popular social events that include friends and family, citing these as evidence of the proactive energy that we need to be noting and nurturing amongst younger members.

Tony Hall (right), who made the retirement presentation, raises a glass.

Tony Hall (right), who made the retirement presentation, raises a glass.

In his concluding remarks, he related his experience of attending a ’breakfast session’ at Bryn Masonic Hall which had been organised by the Masonic motorcycle group the ‘Widow’s Sons’ and said how impressed he was by the commitment and innovation such groups brought to their Freemasonry. He, surprisingly to some quoted the lyrics of a popular ‘Boyzone’ song from 1998, which originally featured in the musical ‘Whistle Down the Wind’ as being evidence of how younger men may view Freemasonry, the words are; “No matter what they tell you. No matter what they do. No matter what they teach you. What you believe is true” Undoubtedly a very appropriate summation and one that received thunderous applause at the end of his address.

Responding to the toast to the Provincial grand officers, Tony Hall added his own congratulations to the three principals and the chapter, echoing many of the sentiments expressed earlier by Stanley. He also added special words of thanks to Stanley for his example and leadership whilst in office. The toast to the three principals was made by Alan Thompson, who singled Chris Brown out for a ‘special mention’, suggesting that as he’d learned his ritual originally in two other Provinces, the next year could prove ‘interesting’. In his response, Chris very succinctly expressed his appreciation to all the contributors for their efforts in ensuring a successful event and once again thanked Stanley for honouring Carnforth Chapter as the venue for his ‘last official appearance’. Congratulations and thanks were also due to the attendees who had contributed to a raffle total of £204. The conduct of the raffle was particularly appreciated by the grand officers in attendance, who are fully aware of why this has been mentioned!


The ‘host’ of grand and Provincial grand officers who accompanied Stanley at his last official duty.