Pharos Lodge Installation

Provincial Grand Lodge of Lincolnshire Visit A Provincial Team visit and a Celebration of 50 years of Freemasonry. The installation of W Bro Mick Wright coincided with the visit of the Provincial Grand Master, Right W Bro Graham Ives and his Provincial Team on Wednesday 20th April 2016 at the Masonic Hall Scunthorpe. It was … Read more

Blackpool Festival

Blackpool Festival Blackpool and District Mark Festival is a great success “Beyond the Mark” was the theme for the 46th Blackpool and District Mark Festival which was this year staged by Fylde Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 296 at Adelaide Street Masonic Hall in Blackpool. The Provincial team turned out in force for the … Read more

Gladstone Group at Winter Gardens

The Winter Gardens in Blackpool, was once more the venue for the meeting of Provincial Grand lodge on what was possibly the hottest day of the year so far. More than 1,200 Masons from West Lancashire and other provinces, assembled to watch Provincial Grand Master Tony Harrison and his Provincial team open a very well-rehearsed … Read more

Recent Installations

Evesham. Starting a busy week for the Provincial Team, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Wardens and the AGDC presided over the installation of W Bro Phil Hill as Worshipful Commander of St Egwin Lodge RAM No 1135, at Evesham on Monday the 10th May. A good meeting to witness W Bro Bill Gregory install his … Read more