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Pharos Lodge Installation

Provincial Grand Lodge of Lincolnshire


A Provincial Team visit and a Celebration of 50 years of Freemasonry.

The installation of W Bro Mick Wright coincided with the visit of the Provincial Grand Master, Right W Bro Graham Ives and his Provincial Team on Wednesday 20th April 2016 at the Masonic Hall Scunthorpe.

It was a very special occasion for the Lodge in general but particularly so for W Bro Brian Taylor as the ProvGM as part of his visit presented W Bro Taylor with his 50 year certificate and paid tribute to the contribution W Bro Taylor had made not only to Masonry and Pharos Lodge but also his contribution to society in general both through the church, as a magistrate and as a member of the governors of Sir John Nelthorpe School.

W Bro Wright took the chair of King Solomon for the fourth time, it was the second time in Pharos Lodge the first occasion was 1997. The other occasions were in Engineers Lodge No 9493 in Derbyshire of which he was a founder member.

Pictured from left to right are: W Bro Noel Fisher, Rt W Bro Graham Ives, W Bro Brian Taylor, W Bro Mick Wrightt, W Bro John McArthur and W Bro John Warwick.