Freemasons host Christmas lunch for Linslade Senior Citizens

Christmas lunch for Linslade senior citizens

The Mayor of Leighton-Linslade, Cllr. Syed Rahman, recently attended a Christmas Luncheon at Stanbridge Rugby Club. Hosted by St Barnabas Lodge, No. 948, and Taplow Lodge, No. 3111, both of which meet at the Masonic Centre in Linslade, the guests of honour were mainly residents of the local sheltered housing project.

Freemasons donate £500 to Welfare and Support hub for Veterans

Cleddau Lodge was delighted to welcome Barry John of Haverfordwest VC Gallery to their meeting on Wednesday 15th November 2017. Barry gave an entertaining talk about the work of the VC Gallery and his own journey from a difficult upbringing in Neyland to be the founder of a successful charity and the recipient of an MBE from His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.

New Provincial Grand Almoner for West Lancashire

Eric Hart was appointed and invested as the Provincial Grand Almoner at Provincial Grand Lodge. He succeeds Ernie Greenhalgh who has retired from the office in order to undertake other national responsibilities within the Masonic care system. Eric will also shortly assume the same role as PrGAlm within Provincial Grand Chapter.