Freemasons Donation provides vital contact with families for hospital patients

A new nation-wide initiative by the Freemasons across England and Wales has seen nearly 1,000 tablet devices delivered to hospitals and care homes. More than 50 hospitals, care homes, and hospices across their regions have now benefited from these donations.

Freemasons donate Rescue Boat

In late 2019, Terrigal Surf Life Saving Club approached Freemasons again, requesting assistance in purchasing another IRB, as their current IRB, the ‘Freemason I’, was now five years old and a new IRB design had been proven to be more appropriate to surf conditions in their area.

Freemasons donate to Men in Sheds (Age UK), Hartford, Northwich

Men in Sheds is a project run by Age UK Cheshire.  The sheds are places where men over the age of 50 can come together to learn and share their skills and make new friends.  They always guarantee a warm welcome and great banter within the shed community.  Activities include wood working and turning, pen making, bespoke commissions and community projects.

Freemasons donate to Local Football Club

On Saturday 20th October, the Rochdale District Charity Steward WBro Kenny Greer was delighted to present a cheque for £600.00 on behalf of the ELMC to Peter Shipton, the Chairman of High Crompton Park FC. Peter expressed his thanks on behalf of all those involved with the club. The grant will specifically be used for … Read more

Freemasons donate £45,000 to help disadvantaged Londoners

Londoners living with physical and mental ill health will benefit from projects aimed at improving their job prospects, thanks to our recent £45,000 grant to Thrive. This grant will fund projects based in Battersea Park which will provide severely disadvantaged people with skills and qualifications that will help them find work or pursue volunteering or … Read more