Freemasons support Shooting Star Chase, a fantastic charity in the local community

(L to R) W.Bro Frankie Whelan, Ellie Bennet and W.Bro John Warren From babies to young people up to the age of 21, Shooting Star Chase support families from diagnosis to end of life and throughout bereavement with a range of nursing, practical, emotional and medical care. Receiving hospice care does not mean that a … Read more

Freemasons support Lancashire Family History and Heraldry Society

The LFHHS or Lancashire Family History and Heraldry Society are a worldwide group with 13 branches in the UK, one of which is a facility at Astley Farmhouse, Astley Village in Chorley, and is a registered charity. The society is run by volunteers and provides the facilities and guidance to those interested in researching their … Read more

Freemasons support for East Lancashire Hospice

Freemasons in the East Ribble District passionately support the East Lancashire Hospice from providing donations to keep the drinks trolley well stocked to volunteering at the 10K run, Memories Walk and more recently at the Christmas Fayre. Recently the Masonic Charitable Foundation gave a donation of £1,900 to help the Hospice further.

Charity Lifelites donates specialist technology for children at Shooting Star Chase with grant from Middlesex Freemasons

The children and young people at Shooting Star Chase children’s hospice have received a donation of assistive technology worth £50,000 from national children’s charity Lifelites, thanks to funding from Middlesex Freemasons. The technology donated is specially adapted for children with disabilities and can be used by the children to play games with their family and … Read more

Robert Adam, Freemason and Pre-Eminent Neoclassical Architect of the Eighteenth Century

Robert Adam, FRS [7 May 1751] (3 Jul 1728-3 Mar 1792), was a pre-eminent British neoclassical architect of the eighteenth century, interior and furniture designer. Born in Kirkcaldy, Fife, son of William Adam (1689-1748), Scotland’s foremost architect of the time, and trained under him. With his older brother John, Robert took on the family business, which included … Read more