Freemasons support Shooting Star Chase, a fantastic charity in the local community

(L to R) W.Bro Frankie Whelan, Ellie Bennet and W.Bro John Warren From babies to young people up to the age of 21, Shooting Star Chase support families from diagnosis to end of life and throughout bereavement with a range of nursing, practical, emotional and medical care. Receiving hospice care does not mean that a … Read more

The Man who designed The White House & The Capitol Building in Washington.

james-hoban-whitehouse-architect-obverse The White House, then known as “the President’s House,” was the first public building to be erected in Washington. In 1790, the Commissioners of the District held a competition, seeking designs for the future executive mansion. A prize of $500 would be awarded to the winning architect. Hundreds of hopeful American architects participated–including Thomas … Read more