Freemasons donate essential PPE to frontline Care Workers

Donations from Lodge Members to the initiative, which was led by Bro Chris Fraser, totalled £1500 and one of Oriental Lodge’s younger members, Bro William Cheung, drove down to the Midlands to collect essential N95 masks. Lodge Secretary, WBro Kam Wah Mak, volunteered to distribute the masks to six Care Homes over the weekend, which were proposed by the Lodge members involved in the initiative..

Masonic Learning with Dr Robert Lomas’ Podcast Initiative

Since UGLE closed down masonic meetings until the lockdown is over and the nasty virus of Covid-19 is under some level of control. How does the fraternity of Freemasonry continue? Zoom meetings are becoming the way forward and Masonic brethren that usually tour Lodges and Chapters giving lectures now offering webinars to keep the Masonic spirit alive amongst the Brethern and Companions.

Lodge Celebrates Centenary Online

The 13th May 2020 was set to be a momentous occasion as the Temperantia Lodge No.4088 would meet to celebrate its centenary.

This was not to be, as the Covid-19 global pandemic did its very best to stop the Lodge from coming together for this milestone occasion. Temperantia Lodge, however, did not give in to the dreaded virus and made alternative plans to ensure that the celebration went ahead.

Facebook Group to honour departed Freemasons goes Worldwide

“When a Mason passes to the Grand Lodge Above we stand at our Lodge meeting with the sign of reverence in respect for departed merit. As our lodges are not meeting due to the current situation I thought this group would group would help Freemasons to remember those who have passed.  Please join the group and give respect to whom have gone to the Grand Lodge Above”.