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Facebook Group to honour departed Freemasons goes Worldwide

WBro Alan White of Gavel Lodge No. 8928 has set up a Facebook Group to honour Brethren who have passed to the Grand Lodge Above during this period of enforced isolation.  The Group is called Peace Love & Harmony (Departed Merit).

Alan realised that in normal times departed brethren would be memorialised at Lodge meetings and Lodge members and visitors would be able to share their memories of our departed brethren at the festive board afterward.  During the current Coronavirus pandemic, while Lodges are not meeting, Alan though a Facebook Group would be a good place to show our respect to those who have passed and to share our memories of the lives they lived.  In less than two weeks the group has grown to more than 1,100 members drawn from across the world.


“When a Mason passes to the Grand Lodge Above we stand at our Lodge meeting with the sign of reverence in respect for departed merit. As our lodges are not meeting due to the current situation I thought this group would group would help Freemasons to remember those who have passed.  Please join the group and give respect to whom have gone to the Grand Lodge Above”.

WBro Alan White, Creator of the Peace Love & Harmony (Departed Merit) Facebook Group

You can join the Peace Love & Harmony (Departed Merit) Facebook Group following this link.