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Lodge Celebrates Centenary Online

The 13th May 2020 was set to be a momentous occasion as the Temperantia Lodge No.4088 would meet to celebrate its centenary.

This was not to be, as the Covid-19 global pandemic did its very best to stop the Lodge from coming together for this milestone occasion. Temperantia Lodge, however, did not give in to the dreaded virus and made alternative plans to ensure that the celebration went ahead.

Using technology to beat the odds, twenty-seven out of the thirty-one subscribing members gathered online to hold a video call and press on with the celebrations, those members not on the call were away on essential work. Also invited and in attendance on the call was the Provincial Grand Master Peter C. Kinder, the Provincial Grand Secretary Paul Wallace, the Provincial Communications Officer Richard Barnett, and the Lodge Liaison Officer Phil Caswell.

The online meeting was opened by the Master, Michael Cocks who introduced the agenda for the evening and ensured that a sense of order was kept to the proceedings. Handing over to the Lodge Chaplain, Steve Wells, who led those in attendance through grace, and then onto the Lodge Secretary Jerry Kinder who read out the Warrant from the 17th February 1920.

The Junior Deacon of the Lodge, Ash Reeves was given the pleasurable task of narrating an abridged history of the Lodge, from its very consecration in 1920 through to the present day. This was very well received by all who showed their appreciation with rapturous applause.

Next to the microphone was Fraser Gilbert, a member of the Lodge since 1971 who gave an interesting explanation of the original Lodge banner which was shown alongside the millennial banner which was introduced in the year 2000.

The Master thanked all of those who had taken a speaking part and asked the Provincial Grand Master to give his thoughts on the centenary, and pass comment on the current activities of Provincial Grand Lodge.

The next duty fell to the Secretary, Jerry Kinder, who hosted an excellent quiz, with questions on the Lodge’s history which had previously been explained.

An online alms collection was made, where the Lodge Liaison Officer Phil Caswell had arranged for the text and online donation methods to be made available to all.

The Provincial Grand Secretary Paul Wallace was then asked to give an overview of the current activities within the Provincial secretariat, and the current initiatives which being introduced and managed by the team.

The Master then gave his closing remarks before leading a series of toasts and then handing over to the Tyler, Bro. Anton Tarsha for the Tyler’s Toast.

Brethren then stayed on the video call for a while to chat and reminisce about their experience of the current lockdown and the Lodge in general.

Above: Members of the Lodge plus guests on the video call.

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