Charity Presentation evening at the Lord Warden Lodge No 1096

It was a very hot Tuesday evening when the members of the Lord Warden Lodge and guests which totaled over 50 arrived at the Masonic Centre, Sondes Road, Deal to support a local charity, Digbys Smile. The charity is for a little boy from Deal, called Digby Donnelly. Digby suffers from a fatal and incurable … Read more

Freemasons donate £5000 to Frome-based counselling charity

WHY (then called Positive Action on Cancer) was founded by Jill Miller in 1994 as a telephone helpline for women with breast cancer. This followed Jill’s own experience of breast cancer and her discovery of the lack of emotional support available to patients at the time. The charity has grown steadily and now offers face-to-face counselling to over 95 people per week. Referrals to We Hear You’s counselling service saw a 21% increase in 2017 and have more than doubled in the last five years.

Cornish Freemasons donate £25,000 to Blood Bikes charity

The Freemasons of Cornwall have donated £25,000 via the Masonic Charitable Foundation Grant to the Cornwall Blood Bikes charity, after it received the most votes in a countywide public poll

Thanks to this remarkable donation, the charity is buying a brand new 1200cc BMW response bike and two further second-hand bikes upgrading its ageing fleet that runs throughout the year in all weathers.