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Freemasons donate £1000 Children’s Heart Unit at Glenfield Hospital

The Worshipful Master OF Harrington Lodge No 5098 Philip Laing and his lady wife Dilys raised £830 at their Ladies Night last year, at which they held a raffle and an auction. Together with support from the Harrington Lodges charity account and Long Eaton Masonic Benevolent Association (LEMBA), They have been able to present a cheque for £1000 (£500 from the raffle and £500 from LEMBA) to The Children’s Heart Unit at Glenfield Hospital where their granddaughter received life-saving surgery just 7 days after she was born.

They also subsequently presented a cheque for £500 to Treetops Hospice, Risley.

To find out more about Freemasonry in Derbyshire you can visit their website at

Their contact details are listed below if you want to contact them directly

Provincial Grand Lodge of Derbyshire
Derby Masonic Hall
457 Burton Road,
Derby, DE23 6XX

Telephone: +44 (0)1332 272202
Email: [email protected]

If you want to be a Freemason you must be interested in character building and morality

“Better men make a Better world.” Freemasonry stresses honour, personal responsibility and personal integrity

You should be able to commit to Monthly/bi-monthly gatherings at lodges.

Reasons to become a Freemason in Derbyshire
You want to make new friendships
You want to develop yourself
You want to make a positive contribution to society
Lodges in Derbyshire


Vulcan Lodge 4382/