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Derbyshire Freemasons donate £2,500 to 126 Squadron (City of Derby) RAF Air Cadets

Derbyshire Freemasons donate £2,500 126 Squadron (City of Derby) RAF Air CadetsWorshipful Master Nick Fox of Spencer Lodge 8773 in the Province of Derbyshire, accompanied by six Brethren, visited 126 Squadron (City of Derby) RAF Air Cadets.

Nick presented a cheque for £2,500 towards the costs of the Squadron’s summer camp in Normandy next year where to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the RAF, it will undertake a community project and civic duties to foster its links with Bernières-sur-Mer where 126 Squadron RAF was based after the D Day landings in 1944.

Spencer Lodge

Spencer Lodge is one of the younger lodges in the Province of Derbyshire but since 1977 its Brethren have played a full part in the Masonic life of the Province as well as supporting the local community and charitable organisations. They are a happy and progressive lodge with members of a wide range of ages and experience.

Find out more about Spencer Lodge by visiting their website

126 Squadron (City of Derby)

Each year over 60,000 cadets, volunteer staff and civilian committee members’ help engage in pursuits and rewarding opportunities such as championing good causes in the local communities, sporting event, BTEC’s and much more.

Air Cadets aged 12 to 20 are given the chance by a team of staff and adult volunteers to learn how to fly, lead expeditions, tour foreign countries, become target rifle marksman, join a band, experience the discipline of rifle drill and learn about aviation and aerospace – only a small list of the many activities and opportunities for a social life with many new friends and a CV worthy of the very best of our society.

Find out more and visit

Picture of 26 Squadron (City of Derby) RAF Air Cadets Drill Practice
26 Squadron (City of Derby) RAF Air Cadets Drill Practice