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Cheshire Freemasons facilitate much-needed blood donation service

The blood donation unit outside Cheshire View, Christleton.

DURING and beyond the lockdown period, all sorts of clubs and societies had to close their doors to normal members’ activities and many venues have been gathering dust.

Cheshire View in Christleton, Chester however, decided to buck the trend and offered the use of its extensive club facilities to charitable organisations.

The hall, where Freemasons would normally meet, lay empty, so the managing board contacted local and national charities offering the use of the venue.

Very quickly the NHS Blood and Transplant unit (NHSBT) contacted to book a blood donation and in turn Cheshire View were delighted to offer the use of the entire building for the full day would be completely free of charge.

On donation day, the maximum number of donors attended, and their target yield to support the vital front line NHS daily blood requirements was met in full.

Following the great success of the initial session, the NHSBT team immediately requested additional dates in order to optimise their use of the venue. The Freemasons were only too happy to oblige.

Stephen Cross, chairman of Cheshire View said: “As a Board, we recognise the benefits we all receive from the NHS and the good works our friends in the charity sector deliver to our communities, to welcome them in during this pandemic crisis was one of the easiest and quickest decisions the management team ever made, and this has laid the foundation for a great relationship moving forward.

“We look forward to welcoming more activity as we progress into the summer.”