Reading Time: 3 minutes

Chapter of Equity host demonstration team

Over 60 companions attended Widnes Masonic Hall to witness a presentation of the enhanced ceremony of exaltation by the Warrington Demonstration Team. The joint convocation was hosted by Chapter of Equity No 1384.

Pictured from left to right, are: Geoff Enright, Brian Rafferty and Ian Edge.

Pictured from left to right, are: Geoff Enright, Brian Rafferty and Ian Edge.

The principal guest was Second Provincial Grand Principal Paul Renton who was accompanied by Barry Jameson AtoPrGPs, grand officers Alan Locke and David Redhead with Widnes Group Chairman Derek Williams along with other Provincial grand officers.

The three principals Brian Rafferty first principal, Geoff Enright second principal and Ian Edge third principal opened the chapter and conducted the normal business after which they welcomed Paul to the chapter and offered him the sceptre, which was returned promptly as Paul preferred to enjoy watching the ceremony.

Gwilym Jones, the Warrington Demonstration Team’s DC then asked the team to take post. John Goodrum first principal, Dennis Wilding second principal, John Knowles third principal, John Gregory scribe Ezra, Darren Brown scribe Nehemiah, Glen Skreeton principal  sojourner, Dennis Pearson first assistant sojourner, Mike Hamilton second assistant sojourner with Chris Betts as janitor. Derek Houghton did the readings and Gary Oates acted as candidate for the ceremony. Keith Dickenson was the musical director.

Gwilym gave an explanation of the proceedings. He explained that the ceremony of exaltation is one of the most colourful and impressive ceremonies in Freemasonry. It has the capacity, if well executed, to inspire the candidate as well as those watching. The aim of the enhancement is to improve the candidates understanding of the ceremony without changing the set ritual.

Warrington Demonstration Team. Back row left to right Glen Screeton, Dennis Pearson, Mike Hamilton, Derek Houghton, Gary Oates, Keith Dickinson and Christopher Betts. Front row Left to right: John Gregory, Darren Brown, John Knowles, John Goodrum, Dennis Wilding and Gwilym Jones.

Warrington Demonstration Team. Back row left to right Glen Screeton, Dennis Pearson, Mike Hamilton, Derek Houghton, Gary Oates, Keith Dickinson and Christopher Betts. Front row Left to right: John Gregory, Darren Brown, John Knowles, John Goodrum, Dennis Wilding and Gwilym Jones.

The team then carried out the exaltation using the agreed enhancements. The integral part of the enhancement is the explanation of the story which is told during the ceremony. The candidate is informed that the ceremony takes place some 500 years after the dedication of Solomon’s Temple. The use of lighting, managed by John Gregory, set the atmosphere at the appropriate times during the ceremony.

The readings during the ceremony were read by Derek Houghton and at the conclusion of the ceremony the signs of the Royal Arch were explained by Dennis Wilding.

Brain thanked the demonstration team for an excellent ceremony on behalf of the companions present and on his own behalf.

Following the convocation the companions retired to the Alan Locke Suite where they enjoyed the festive board in the company of friends. The alms plate and raffle honoured the charities by raising over £300.

Pictured from left to right, are: Alan Locke, Barry Jameson, Paul Renton, Geoff Enright, Brian Rafferty, Ian Edge, Derek Williams and David Redhead.

Pictured from left to right, are: Alan Locke, Barry Jameson, Paul Renton, Geoff Enright, Brian Rafferty, Ian Edge, Derek Williams and David Redhead.