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A hot night for Brian

On a hot and humid spring afternoon, the brethren and guests of Lodge of Allegiance No 7352 met at Garston Masonic Hall for their annual installation meeting. The lodge was honoured by the presence of Andrew Whittle PAGDC as the representative of our Provincial Grand Master Tony Harrison, who was accompanied by Garston Group Chairman Howard Griffiths on what was his first outing following his appointment to his new rank of PJGD.

Son and father, Andrew and Brian Begg.

Son and father, Andrew and Brian Begg.

Joining Andrew and Howard were grand officer David Fairclough, with Garston Group Vice Chairman Ken Bradley together with lodge member and Garston Group Secretary John Murphy.

The lodge was opened by the WM Jonathan Mackie who invited Ken Dobie to occupy the chair of King Solomon for the ceremony. Ken then proceeded to install Brian Douglas Begg as the new WM for the ensuing year in what everyone present agreed was his usual exemplary manner and worthy of the occasion.

Ken was ably assisted by various past masters of the lodge including one of his sons, Andrew Dobie, who gave a flawless address to SW Andrew Begg (Brian’s son) and JW Richard Hughes. The lodge brethren were delivered their address in an equally flawless manner by Andrew Whittle.

A very enjoyable way for Brian to begin his year of office was to present three cheques totalling some £600 in support of three separate charities. £300 to the Grand Lodge Tercentenary Appeal, £200 to St Vincent’s School for Blind and Partially Sighted Children (Liverpool) and £100 to Garston Masonic Hall.

With the ceremony successfully concluded and the newly appointed officers invested, the brethren retired to the bar for a very welcomed refreshing drink, to toast the new WM.

A fine festive board followed during which Brian and his wardens were toasted by way of a wonderful rendition of the master’s song by Norman Pritchard.

Pictured left to right, are: David Fairclough, Howard Griffiths, Andrew Begg, Brian Begg, Andrew Whittle, Richard Hughes and Ken Bradley.

Pictured left to right, are: David Fairclough, Howard Griffiths, Andrew Begg, Brian Begg, Andrew Whittle, Richard Hughes and Ken Bradley.