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Woolton Group members at Provincial Grand Lodge

On a glorious spring day members of the Woolton Group travelled to Bryn to join a coach going to Blackpool and prior to departing for their grand day out, the brethren enjoyed a sumptuous breakfast provided by the Bryn caterers. Amongst those attending were Woolton Group Chairman Andy Whittle, retiring vice chairman Vic Albin, his successor Mike Cunliffe who is also receiving promotion to PPrGSuptWks and Tom Arnold who is receiving an acting rank of PrAGStdB.

Woolton Group Masons prepare to board the coach for Blackpool.

Woolton Group Masons prepare to board the coach for Blackpool.

At 11am two coaches set out for Blackpool and on arriving they parked at the side of the Winter Gardens and the brethren made their way round to the main entrance where, like all travellers today, they were met with a bag search and then proceeded to registration.

Following registration the brethren left their belongings in the robing room and some decided to venture out into the Mall for a coffee or fresh air.

The doors to the venue were opened at 1:15pm and the brethren could then take their seats. At the allotted time the provincial Director of Ceremonies Keith Kemp announced the procession into the main hall, in which accompanying our own Provincial Grand Master were many Provincial Grand Masters of other Provinces.

Pictured left from left to right prepared to receive their appointments, are: Peter Ashton, Geoff Cowan, Graham Sinden and Tom Arnold. Pictured right: Dave Newland having been promoted to PPrSGW.

Pictured left from left to right prepared to receive their appointments, are: Peter Ashton, Geoff Cowan, Graham Sinden and Tom Arnold. Pictured right: Dave Newland having been promoted to PPrSGW.

Our own provincial Grand Master Tony Harrison then opened the Lodge in due form and after welcoming visiting distinguished guests the minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed.

The main part of the proceedings then took place, with brethren receiving their first appointment followed by brethren who were receiving a promotion. It was a great spectacle to see with the stewards accompanying each of the brethren to be presented to Tony, who invested them and shook hands with one and all.

The Provincial Grand Secretary announced that some 298 Masons had tendered an apology and that 1,228 Masons were in attendance at the lodge meeting. A collection was taken for WLMC which realised just under £5,000, with much of it gift aided. After the lodge was closed the recession took place and brethren retired.

600 Masons went on to the Hilton Hotel for a well-deserved meal in the presence of Tony Harrison and other distinguished guests. The meal consisted of pâté, braised steak and panna cotta accompanied by some excellent red and white wines which flowed freely. The festive board was hosted by Quingenti Lodge No 8516, which is the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge of West Lancashire.

Following the meal and speeches it was time to return to Bryn and as the coach left the Hilton Hotel the brethren witnessed a most glorious sunset, which rounded off the day appropriately.

Pictured left and middle; Woolton Masons at the festive board. Pictured right: The sun sets on a memorable day.

Pictured left and middle; Woolton Masons at the festive board. Pictured right: The sun sets on a memorable day.