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WICL and RAM Assembly

Worshipful Commander Mel Broadhurst

Worshipful Commander Mel Broadhurst

The Annual Installation Meeting of the Worcestershire Installed Commanders Lodge took place at Rainbow Hill, Worcester on Tuesday 17th May when W Bro Mel Broadhurst was Installed as Commander.

An attendance of just 54 was dis-appointing for a lodge with the potential of 200 plus membership.

Following the investiture of W Bro Michael Taylor as Senior Warden and W Bro Adrian Hutt as Junior Warden the remaining officers were appointed and invested.

The Presiding Officer, R W Bro Eric John Rymer, PGM, gave the address to the Commander.The Provincial Wardens, W Bro Irving Horne, Prov GSW, and W Bro John Icke PGStwd, Acting Prov GJW the address to the Brethren.


The meeting was followed by the Annual Royal Ark Mariners Assembly for the purpose of appointment and Investiture of the current years recipients Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank.


Seated L/R:W Bro D J Bateman, W Bro M J Langdon, RW Bro Eric John Rymer, W Bro G B Moore, W Bro S J Cameron. Standing: W Bro J Bentley, W Bro M J Bruton, W Bro D R Jones (Standard Bearer) W Bro S E Parnell, W Bro R J Green (Prov GDC), W Bro T G Woolley and W Bro K Blizzard

During the meeting the PGM addressed the assembly with details of the current membership, urging those present to promote Freemasonry in general and the RAM Degree in particular, that we might see growth in both orders over the coming years.