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VW Bro Lawrence Murphy

VW Bro Lawrence Murphy recently achieved the milestone of 50 years in Freemasonry. All the Rulers were in Llanelli for the celebration evening.

Address by RW Bro Stephen Hookey, Provincial Grand Master:

“VW Bro Lawrence Murphy, I am honoured to be here tonight making this presentation to you. I only hope that these few words of mine will do justice to the occasion.

You became a Freemason on 15th December 1965, 50 years ago almost to the day. On that day when you were being admitted, I was very nearly 12 years old, but here we are today, brothers on the square.

To achieve 50 years membership of our institution is marvellous in itself, but that fact does not reflect the outstanding manner in which you have done it.

In 1977 you became Master of this lodge [St Elli], and from that point on you have gone from strength to strength, and from appointment to appointment. Your Provincial career culminated in your appointment in this Province as Deputy Provincial Grand Master in July 1996.
Your position in Grand Lodge started in 1996 when you were appointed to the rank of PAGDC, and you ultimately rose to the high rank of PGSwdB, which rank entitles you to be called Very Worshipful Brother.

You have been very active in this Province for many years, and have served Masonry with a passion and dedication not often found. I know you to be a consummate Mason, faithful and dedicated through thick and thin not only to the Lodge and to the Craft, but also to the Holy Royal Arch where you again hold very senior rank.

You are a man of considerable influence here in Llanelli, and you are a driving force in endeavouring to maintain and improve standards not only in your lodges but also in Masonry generally.
V W Bro Lawrence, I therefore have great delight in presenting you with a certificate marking your 50 years continuous membership of the Craft, together with this lapel badge which I know that you will wear with pride.

V W Bro Lawrence, I commend you on your masonic career, your dedication and the example that you set to all. I thank you for your company and encouragement over many years, and I look forward to being with you much more in the years ahead.”

VW Bro Lawrence is a member of St Elli Lodge and served as Master in 1977 and Kensington Lodge of Installed Masters where he served as Master in 1999. He is a member of St Elliw Chapter where he served as MEZ in 1985. He is also an honorary member of Trevor Kelway Lodge, Peterwell Lodge, Unity Lodge, Unity Chapter and Aeron & Peterwell Chapter.