A Modern Examination of the Landmarks of Freemasonry

Few subjects in Masonic Jurisprudence generate more interest and debate than the Landmarks of Freemasonry. Every new Brother is charged to protect and preserve them, but there is much conflicting information about what the Landmarks of Masonry actually are. Considering that the proper observation of the Landmarks is a primary factor in the decision of whether a Grand Lodge is recognized or not and the preservation of them one of the most important considerations in making any Masonic policy, it is important that the Landmarks of the order be well understood.

Advanced Degrees by W.Bro. J.S.M. WARD

In attempting to give an outline sketch of the various degrees in Freemasonry in a book of this description, I am faced by many difficulties, not the least of which is how to write in an interesting way about degrees, which many of my readers have not taken, without giving away more than is permissible. … Read more

Double Headed Eagle

The double headed eagle, a symbol steeped in antiquity, stands as one of the Scottish Rite’s most venerable emblems, its lineage stretching back through countless cultures over millennia. This emblem, often juxtaposed with the Craft Lodge’s white-lambskin apron, carries profound significance, weaving itself into the tapestry of mythologies and symbols across the globe. The eagle, … Read more