Skegness Freemasons Dedicate New Masonic Centre

Friday the 17th of February 2017 will be a day long remembered in the annals of Skegness Masonic History as the day the official Dedication took place of the new Masonic Centre on Holly Road, Skegness. The determination, hard work and enthusiasm of the Skegness Lodges came to fruition when the Provincial Grand Master for Lincolnshire, Right Worshipful Brother Graham Ives, accompanied by his Provincial Team, distinguished guests, visitors and Brethren celebrated the Dedication of the new building to the benefit and good purposes of Freemasonry.

Temple Belwood Lodge Celebrates 50 Years – Provincial Grand Lodge of Lincolnshire

The Provincial Grand Master, Rt W Bro Graham Ives, attended the Temple Belwood Lodge No 8073 with the Provincial Team for their 50 year celebratory meeting. During the evening a new Bible was dedicated and presented to the Lodge. The Worshipful Master of Temple Belwood Lodge, Bro Simon Shepherd is seen holding the new Bible accompanied … Read more

Provincial Grand Lodge and Chapter 2016

Provincial Grand Lodge and Chapter 2016   A record number of Brethren and Companions, (approx 525), sat down to Lunch after a memorable Provincial Grand Chapter at which the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent invested Excellent Companion David Clive Bird as his Deputy Grand Superintendent.  A packed Provincial Grand Lodge followed after which the Brethren and Companions … Read more