“WE’LL MEET AGAIN” say Freemasons in Langport

Lodge Secretary Ian Moore said “We had been planning a street party with people dressed up in the clothing of the period, however, this obviously had to be abandoned so we used the projector instead. We are keen to keep in touch with as many of our members as possible and celebrating a historic event using our Lodge building shows people that we are still here at the ‘centre of the known universe’! 

Remembering VE Day – A hero and Freemason

This is the remarkable story of a hero and Freemason, Squadron Leader Sydney (Syd) Clayton DSO, DFC and Bar, DFM. It is a story of unimaginable heroism; one of unparalleled devotion to service for his country, and ultimately, of heart-breaking tragedy. Sydney Clayton completed 145 operational sorties as a pilot and navigator (100 as a navigator and 45 as a pilot) during World War II. An average of 30 operational flights was considered to be highly impressive and Sydney Clayton was known as one of the most prolific British airmen of WW II. Following his formidable service, he joined Rectitude Lodge of Blackpool No 4122.