Grand Secretary's column – Autumn 2016

From the Grand Secretary Since emerging from the basement of Freemasons’ Hall, where I have been a charity president for the past nine years, to assume the appointment as Grand Secretary, I have felt very humbled by the numerous letters, emails and tweets of support and encouragement that I have received. I am most fortunate in … Read more

Grand Secretarys column – Autumn 2016

Since emerging from the basement of Freemasons’ Hall, where I have been a charity president for the past nine years, to assume the appointment as Grand Secretary, I have felt very humbled by the numerous letters, emails and tweets of support and encouragement that I have received. I am most fortunate in having taken over a splendid team who are doing their best to train me and get me up to speed so that we can continue to provide you all with the help and support you both need and deserve.

Witta’s Island Lodge Gets a Surprise! – Oxfordshire Provincial Grand Lodge

The Witta’s Island Lodge was honoured by a surprise visit by the Provincial Grand Master and his Deputy on Friday 15th July! Once the Lodge was open, there was a report, which little did anyone know would result in W.Bro. Mike Murphy PrAGDC walking in with wand in hand to announce the visit, to everyone’s shock and delight!