Preparation, Practice and Performance & Masonic Speech Making

One of the most satisfying and enjoyable experiences for the active and enthusiastic Freemason is to have taken part, as Master of his Lodge, in one of the ceremonies, and participating in the ritual to a standard that can only be described as “Satisfaction to yourself and advantage to your Lodge”. This would have only … Read more

The Statue of Liberty and Freemasonry


For over 120 years, the Statue of liberty has been well known all over the world & it is especially impressive to those who approach New York by ship. To many thousands of immigrants who were landed at the neighbouring Ellis Island, she was a symbol of freedom & new opportunity. But many don’t realise … Read more

Signed sealed delivered

Postal address When Freemasons’ Hall welcomed actors Benedict Cumberbatch, Sir Ian McKellen and Tom Hiddleston into the Grand Temple, Jessica Hopkins was in the audience to listen to messages of love and anguish in Letters Live Without words we’d be forever fumbling in the dark; letters throw light wherever they are cast.’ And so opens a night … Read more