Kipling and the Craft

Image of Rudyard Kipling who wrote thhis Tylers Toast

The need for this further essay was first made apparent to me when—in my capacity as Secretary of the Lodge and Editor of the Transactions—I began to receive inquiries from Brethren as far away as Vancouver and Singapore, asking for materials and information which might help them to complete their own papers on Kipling, and I found, to my surprise, that while our library contains a great deal of relevant material, there has never been a paper on Kipling in our Transactions.

Lodge Southern Cross 1243 – Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow

Lodge Southern Cross 1243 On Thursday 21st January 2016, at a Regular Meeting of the Lodge, PGM Bro Jim Peddie took great pleasure in presenting a Diamond Certificate to Br Robert Burns Hamilton P.M. celebrating 60 years membership of the craft.   Br Robert Burns Hamilton P.M. 1243 1243’s RWM Ronald Cotterill, The PGM, Br Robert Hamilton P.M. and … Read more