Grand Lodge of Spain comes to Manchester’s Caledonian Lodge No 204

Caledonian Lodge No 204 hosted a very special Spanish themed event on Wednesday 14 November 2018, at Manchester Masonic Hall. One might have been mistaken for thinking that the distinguished guests from the Grand Lodge of Spain were there in some official capacity, but no, they had all travelled to Manchester to witness the initiation … Read more

Freemasons organise Veteran’s Day Lunch

On Sunday 12th November 2017, following the Remembrance Day services, W. Bro. Colin Cruse of Grand Union Lodge, 9641 welcomed 135 war veterans and ex-servicemen to the 10th Annual Remembrance Sunday Lunch held at the Bell Hotel Winslow, by kind permission of Philip and Julie Menday.

On Sunday 12th November 2017, following the Remembrance Day services, W. Bro. Colin Cruse of Grand Union Lodge, 9641 welcomed 135 war veterans and ex-servicemen to the 10th Annual Remembrance Sunday Lunch held at the Bell Hotel Winslow, by kind permission of Philip and Julie Menday.