Belper Masonic Benevolent Association charity evening

Belper Masonic Benevolent Association charity evening   On the evening of Saturday July 9th, Belper Freemasons in Derbyshire represented by the Belper Masonic Benevolent Association held a presentation evening where a number of donations were given to local charitable organisations. Nearly £3,000 was given to charities including the Belper Drop Inn, Beaurepaire Gardens, 1st Alton … Read more

Whittlesey Freemasons raise £1,750 for East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices

Ian Fawcett, Whittlesey Masonic Benevolent Association's worshipful master, presents a cheque to EACH relief shop manager Melanie Lamb.

St Andrew Whittlesey Masonic Benevolent Association presented a cheque to the hospice, which cares for children and young people with life-threatening conditions across Cambridgeshire. Richard Phillips, treasurer for St Andrew Whittlesey Masonic Benevolent Association, said: “Nationally, freemasons make donations to both masonic and non-masonic charities, in 2014 alone the amount given was over six million … Read more

Freemasons Help for struggling Hartlepool bellringers

Freemasons Help for struggling Hartlepool bellringers

A Hartlepool bell-ringing group has received a much-needed cash boost. The Hartlepool Guild of Bellringers was facing difficulties in funding trainers to attend the courses necessary for advancing members’ skills. The guild approached a local masonic lodge, Harte Lodge, to ask if they might be willing to make a donation towards its running costs. The lodge agreed to donate £100 from its charity fund, and this was topped up with another £100 from the Hartlepool Masonic Benevolent Association.