Freemasons step in to cover charity cash stolen from Sandbach pub

The theft of charity cash from behind the bar of a Sandbach pub prompted a rescue donation by local Freemasons. More than £300 in coins which filled a large glass jar at the Military Arms pub on Sandbach Common was stolen one evening when the bar was briefly unattended. The cash had been raised by regulars in aid of the Sunny Days Children’s Fund to buy holidays and treats for needy children with life-altering illness.

50+ Specialised Wheelchairs Donated by the South Cheshire Masonic Golf Society

Earlier this summer the South Cheshire Masonic Golf Society (SCMGS) took part in a golfing day designed to have fun, raise funds but most importantly, donate more specialist wheelchairs to grateful recipients and their families. The day was well attended and whilst the golf for some was patchy, isn’t it always, the meal that followed … Read more

The Masonic Remembrance Tie

This year marks the Centenary of the signing of the Armistice in 1918, bringing an end to the Great War, the First World War. The loss of life was horrendous and included some 3000 Masons whose supreme sacrifice is recorded on the War Memorial in Freemasons’ Hall. The Remembrance Tie has been specially commissioned by … Read more

Freemasons support Shooting Star Chase, a fantastic charity in the local community

(L to R) W.Bro Frankie Whelan, Ellie Bennet and W.Bro John Warren From babies to young people up to the age of 21, Shooting Star Chase support families from diagnosis to end of life and throughout bereavement with a range of nursing, practical, emotional and medical care. Receiving hospice care does not mean that a … Read more