Lodge Celebrates Centenary Online

The 13th May 2020 was set to be a momentous occasion as the Temperantia Lodge No.4088 would meet to celebrate its centenary.

This was not to be, as the Covid-19 global pandemic did its very best to stop the Lodge from coming together for this milestone occasion. Temperantia Lodge, however, did not give in to the dreaded virus and made alternative plans to ensure that the celebration went ahead.

Freemasons spread happiness at Per Ells day care centre and celebrate the festival of the Three Kings

Local Freemasons Lodge, White River No 153, recently attended the Per Ells school for Children with special needs in Turis, * to celebrate the Tres Reyes Festival, deliver gifts and hopefully spread a little joy to the school children, and the young at heart who attend the centre. As many will know, this celebration to commemorate the arrival of the three wise men is more important to Spanish children as this is when most receive presents.

Masonic Etiquette

The multiple uses and diversity in meanings of words have made it customary in academic papers to give a definition of key words or terms of the reference topic in order that the audience may better be enabled to distinguish, comprehend and appreciate the ‘whence-from’ and ‘whither-to’ of the speaker. Given the time at our disposal, I will restrict this to just a single definition of the terms ‘etiquette’ and ‘masonic’.