CWSMBA receives it’s Charter at the ‘Widows Sons’ National Rally in Belfast

Nine Members & Two ‘Prospects’ of the CWSMBA crossed the Irish Sea to attend the Widows Sons UK National Rally which was held in Belfast between 26th – 29th July.  During the Rally, the Chapter’s President WBro Harry Shone proudly received the Chapter’s Charter from WBro Peter Younger the current National Chairman of the Widows Sons … Read more

Why to Become A Freemason – The Attraction of values

When being asked, what would be the value of a diamond, mostly everybody answers in terms of higher amounts of money. A poor wanderer in the desert, in need of a cup of water, would probably give a better answer to this question, because he reflects of value in a different way. “Most valuable” for him means, “serving his needs and desires best”.