Buckinghamshire Freemasons organise a fun-filled day for young carers

Buckinghamshire Freemasons held its 11th Young Carers Summer BBQ on 24th June 2018 and with 184 people in attendance, made it the highest visited event since it began The event was created as a chance to offer young carers, up to 16 years old, the chance to be ‘children’ again for the day. These children … Read more

Buckinghamshire Freemasons BBQ helps to raise over £1,500 for charity

Members of Haddenham Lodge No. 8944 in Buckinghamshire once again played their part in the local community, when they were in full cooking mode on the barbecue at the annual Haddenham Beerfest on 7th July 2018 As well as the usual enormous selection of ales, lagers and ciders there was a Pimms tent, a wine tent, … Read more

Buckinghamshire Freemasons come together to raise funds for two-year-old Dexter’s Braille machine

There was a large gathering of Freemasons from all across Buckinghamshire at Newton Longville Free Church, as they came together to attend a coffee morning in response to a letter which had been received alerting them to the situation of two-year-old Dexter Ward Dexter is going blind due to infantile glaucoma, a rare condition unrelated … Read more