100 years of service by identical twin brothers – Freemasons New Zealand

Whangarei to celebrate 100 years of service by identical twin brothers, Bruce and Bryan Wiig. Originally from Bluff, both men were initiated into Freemasonry on the 15th July 1967 in Lodge Fortitude No 64. Over the years they have both moved away with Bruce now living in Auckland with wife Carol and Bryan in Whangarei with wife Marie.

50th Certificate Presentation to Richard James Richardson

W Bro Richard James Richardson was born on 23 January 1922 in Doncaster. At that time, the nation was still rebuilding its strength after the carnage of the First World War and the principles of commitment to one’s family, friends and colleagues which were very much to the fore, created an environment which shaped the attitude of many young men. What emerged were men who recognised the value of service to others and it is therefore probably not surprising that Dick Richardson became the man we know.

Rowly celebrates

A packed Ulverston Masonic Hall was the setting for the meeting of the Lodge of Furness No 995 which saw Rowly Saunders celebrate his 50th anniversary as a Freemason. Pictured from left to right, are: Robert Brady, Rowly Saunders and John Brady. Former Furness and South Lakeland Group Chairman Rowly holds grand rank and processed … Read more