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Staffordshire hold a Coral Service at Lichfield Cathedral

Every year the Province of Staffordshire hold a Coral Evening at Lichfield Cathedral, this year for the first time neighbouring Province were invited to attend; the Province of Cheshire was represented by Sue and Paul Massie and Diana and George Mann, the service was a great success with many neighbouring Provinces supporting to hear Vice Dean The Revd Canon Dr Anthony Moore conduct the service supported by The Deputy Grand Chaplain from United Grand Lodge of England The Reverend Timothy L’Estrange Vicar of North Acton Diocese of London. Lessons were read by The RW Provincial Grand Master for Staffordshire Dr Alexander Ian Stewart and W. Brother John Lockley Provincial Grand Master for Staffordshire designate.

The overwhelming success of the Service has triggered Staffordshire to plan future Coral Evenings with maybe with après refreshments. Details will follow in due course”.

lichfield-cathedralLichfield Cathedral 1300 years of history in the only medieval three-spired Cathedral in the UK

wbro-george-mann-apgm-diana-sue-wbro-paul-massie-apgmWBro George Mann APGM;  Diana; Sue; WBro Paul Massie APGM outside Lichfield Cathedral representing Cheshire in glorious sunshine.