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Royal Brunswick Lodge No.296 achieves £3000 in support of F.A.B.L.E.


Sandra Howard OLM, funder Trustee of Fable and Sarah Osborne-Green, Operations Manager, attended Royal Brunswick Lodge, at Tapton Hall in Sheffield on Monday 13th June to update the assembled masons, their families and friends on the work of F.A.B.L.E. and the progress with the latest project supported by the Freemasons of Yorkshire West Riding.

Royal Brunswick Lodge has been supporting FABLE over this last year and had raised £1000 to which it was able to add another £1500 from the Provincial Grand Master’s Fund to kick-start the project to provide epilepsy bed alarms to families where a child with sever epilepsy is affected by night-time seizures. The epilepsy bed alarm sits under the mattress of the child’s bed and, if it detects violent movement, makes a piercingly loud noise alerting the parent or carer enabling them to act quickly and put the epilepsy sufferer in the recovery position and administer medication as necessary.


During the talk Sandra gave a brief history of the charity, established in 1995, and conveyed the tremendous developments and efforts by all involved right up to the recent 21st Anniversary Ball celebrations held at the Sheffield City Hall (at which Royal Brunswick Lodge had a table). The bed alarm project has so far supplied 5 bed alarms and although still in its infancy, reports from the families concerned suggests that these have allowed them to have a proper night’s sleep for the first time in years, with an immediate improvement in quality of life for all involved.

Following the talk, the Master of Royal Brunswick Lodge, Chris Housman, was delighted to present Sandra with the result of the evening’s fundraising a further £500, taking the total to a magnificent £3000 and wished her and the charity continued success.

Royal Brunswick Lodge is continuing with its support for FABLE and one of their members, Dave WynneJones is undertaking a gruelling 100 mile run in the Lake District, in July and you can sponsor him here –