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RMBI Albert Edward Annual Christmas Fayre 2016

The Christmas Fayre opened this year to beautiful weather. The Grotto looked outstanding and we are keeping the fireside themed area throughout the Christmas period for Residents and their Relatives to spend time together. Phil Aubrey was the man in red and the children flocked in to receive their free sweeties and balloons. There was so much for the children to do from ‘ Play your Cards Right’ with Henry Caylor of Croeso Lodge no 8377 to painting Christmas Decorations and plates with Dotty Spotty Pottery to my children’s favourites the Tombola and the mystery boxes.

Our volunteers were out in force, the Colonnade Club sent Nicholas Evans who took up post on the cake stall and John Evans who manned the Tombola. Gaby our volunteer and Jaki a past employee both gave up their time to ensure that the Fayre was a great success. Taking on the mantle from the late Mr Munn were great friends of his Gordon and Christine Schumack of Penarth Lodge 4113. They brought some wonderful cakes and even worked on the stall helping us to reach our fantastic total.

The atmosphere was joyful staff and volunteers donned Christmas jumpers and everyone had lots of fun. We had numerous outside traders who enjoyed the day with us and our residents relished the chance to do a little bit of Christmas shopping. Peter Williams and the diaries committee were on hand raising further money for the home, selling various Masonic items and demonstrating their app. Not only that but as they did in the summer the wives of the Diaries Committee also collected the money on the door. Everyone welcomed the new TLC bear initiative and many were sold on the day.

The Mayor of Porthcawl Cllr Robert Lee and Mayoress Mrs Ann Lee were on hand to draw the raffle. The town council are firm supporters of the Home and we are evening hosting a Town Council meeting here on the 8th of December and the Mayors Christmas Party on the 4th. We thank them for their continued support.

After all expenses the raffle raised £985 and the on the day takings were £1731.31 therefore a grand total of £2716.31was raised. Despite the raffle takings being down on last year we are pleased to report an increase in the on the day takings.

A big thank you must go out to all those who contributed from residents, to staff, to families, friends and the local community we were well supported by all.


This article by Rebecca Timms,

Business administrator .