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Provincial Golf Report


Province of West Wales.


(Provincial Golf Society)


Final Meeting report 2015/2016 season (Milford Haven Golf Club.)

The final golf meeting of the 2015/16 Masonic year, was held at Milford Haven Golf Club on Friday 22, April 2016

Some 22Golfers started the day with Bacon rolls and coffee and then went on to compete for the annual trophies

 The Milford Haven course was in excellent condition with both greens and fairways being a pleasure to play on. The weather gods had decided that 22nd, would be a change from the rest of the week with some mist and slight drizzle but fortunately no heavy rain.

 This did not deter the golfers from enjoying an excellent days golf with some reasonable scores being recorded and together with the always, excellent hospitality both before and after it made for another enjoyable meeting.

The first meeting held at South Pembs in September had left scores very closely balanced so competition was at its peak, which added to the days enjoyment.

A total of five Lodges were represented.

Loyal Welsh were out to retain the Champion Lodge title they held from last year, with close opposition from, Tenby, Cambrian and  Castlemartin.

The first four all in contention and vying for a chance to win the Sydney Hughes  Memorial cup  presented to the champion Lodge and of course everyone was trying to excel in the hope of winning the Individual trophy (Col. Trevor Kelway  Champions Cup).

There were six guest members who also made up the gathering

At the conclusion of the golf and meal, the secretary Mike Bradney conveyed to the members an apology from our Captain Rt. Wo. Bro Eric Mock  who was unable to be at the meeting because of family illness and from a number of other regular golfers who were unable to attend for very good reasons. He then welcomed Our Provincial Grand Master,  Rt. Wo. Bro Stephan Hookey who had found time to attend to present the prizes and trophies.  He explained that as the Provincial meeting at Carmarthen in July was becoming ever more busy, he felt that the presentations should be made at our meetings and that he would be only too glad to join us and carry out that duty.

The secretary then thanked  all Guests and Masons for turning up and contributing to another successful day. He also reminded all to respond as early as possible if they were attending Golf days as this made it much easier to negotiate prices etc.

 He thanked the Milford Haven Golf club for their excellent support and Wo. .Bro’s Clive Pitten and Brian Williams for their assistance. Clive also acted as official photographer and it was hoped that a suitable record of the day would be posted on the web and in our magazines.

 He stated that the first meeting of the 2015/16 competition would take place  on September 2nd, 2016 , with a possible venue being Carmarthen golf Club. This was to be confirmed.

He then invited Rt. Wo. Bro Stephan Hookey to present the Prizes.

Results for the Day  2015/16   final Meeting (22/4/2016)  Milford Haven Golf Club

 Nearest Pin Hole 6                           Chris Harding  —     Cambrian lodge

Nearest Pin Hole 16.                         Danny Overend —-   Loyal welsh lodge

Guest  Prize

First place      —  Harold James  (Pembroke Dock)   ) with 38 points

Second place  —  Bob Veale       (Pembroke Dock)     with  35points

Masonic Golfers.

Results and Scores at Milford Haven

The overall Individual winner on the day was ;-

1st.       Chris Harding   —    Cambrian Lodge       39  points

2nd       Billy Harris       —-    Castlemartin Lodge  35 Points

3rd,      Mike Webb       —–    Tenby Lodge            36 Points


Over-all Champion Golfer 2015 /16 (over two meetings)


Danny Overend— Loyal Welsh Lodge    (Col Trevor Kelway Cup.)

——————————————————————————————————–Champion Lodge 2015/16 ( over two meetings)

 Loyal Welsh lodge                (Tom Hughes Memorial Cup)

Final  Lodge Positions after both meetings were as Follows

(Best three cards to count)

1st Place                      Loyal Welsh                 — Total    201

2nd Place                     Castlemartin Lodge     — Total    190         

3rd place                      Cambrian Lodge           – Total   186

4th, Place                    Tenby Lodge                  –Total    179

May I close the report by thanking all who supported the golf  Day, in whatever way. We would ask other lodges to Join us at our next meetings and join in the funand increase the competition..,

Mike Bradney

(PHOTOGRAPHS courtesy of Clive Pitten)




A date to remember . Mark Golf Society meeting on20th, May for Jim Doyle trophy at Derllys Court Golf club Carmarthen