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Poppy Scotland Appeal

The Field of Remembrance in Princes Street gardens will once again feature a Masonic Section and lodges are being invited to sponsor one or more crosses to be placed here.

Edinburgh Field of RemembranceAt the PGL Communication on Wednesday 18 Spetember the PGM spoke about this year’s Poppy Scotland Appeal. Brethren will remember that last year Grand Lodge arranged for a cross to be provided in the Field of Remembrance for each of the Home Lodges.

This year lodges are being invited to sponsor crosses in the Masonic section – each lodge will have received a supply of these with a message from Grand Lodge. The suggested donation for each cross returned by the lodge is £10.

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Edinburgh has arranged to provide a cross for each lodge within the Province which will be inscribed with the lodge name and number. Provincial Grand Treasurer will seek a suggested £10 donation from each lodge to cover the cost of this.