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Old Ben – new friends and old

The Installation meeting at Old Ben brought together Masons from  near and far – and friends old and new. Some had travelled from Glasgow to this vibrant meeting, but there was one special addition to the list of Brethren. 

Craig Letheren was welcomed into the Lodge (he is still a member of St Luke’s lodge in Cornwall), and is pictured here with WM Dave Stubbs. Craig has already been ‘nabbed’ to become Assistant Secretary and to manage the Twitter a/c @OldBen9461. Please follow!!!

The new Worshipful Master also had quite a following on his special day – from Salopian Lodge of Charity 117 , his Mother Lodge – and it was a special pleasure for those of us who saw David initiated into 117 to be there and witness his broadest of broad smiles as he took the Chair! Pictured (right) is his Proposer into Freemasonry, WBro Garry Breakwell.

Also present were some old friends of the lodge – WBre Ray Smith and John Adams (pictured below) who have visited the lodge each year for some time now! Ray and John were good friends of WBro Geoff Delamere – Geoff is still fondly remembered in Shropshire – and all belonged to Epworth lodge in Manchester, sadly now defunct. They still catch up with Geoff’s son Andy who is
also well known in the Province and beyond!

‘Old Ben’ takes its name from the Old Benevolent Fund which supports members and former members of the news trade (now under the name “NewstrAid”). As £500 was raised at the meeting, it is clear that Benevolence and Charity were once more amply illustrated!