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New Speaker Added to Symposium

New Speaker Added to Symposium


Bro. James R. Morgan III, worshipful associate grand historian and archivist of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, has just been added to the roster of speakers for the 16th Annual California Masonic Symposium: The African-American Fraternal Experience. This exciting Masonic education opportunity will be held June 11 in Oakland and June 12 in Pasadena. Register now.

Morgan will examine the often secretive, yet militant role that Prince Hall Freemasonry played in the crescendo of socio political conflict that led to the Civil War, as well as in its aftermath. Learn how Prince Hall Masons served as active participants in nearly every facet of the abolitionist movement, and how during the Restoration, Prince Hall lodges served as training grounds for new black elected officials.

Morgan explains, “It may be argued that the blueprint written by Prince Hall Masons in the second half of the 19th century set a template for future civil and human rights victories that would be claimed and reclaimed in the 20th century.”

Register today to join us in Oakland or Pasadena!

James R. Morgan III

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