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MOJACAR FREEMASONS DONATE 1,000 EUROS TO ASADIS | Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia

Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia .

It was indeed a great pleasure to witness the work being done by a small team of dedicated teachers at ASADIS in Los Gallardos this morning. They look after and develop children with ‘special needs’ such as autism. The Mojacar Freemasons came together and presented 1,000 euros to this very worth while charity which will be used to purchase materials and equipment to further their work next term.

Pictured with the Masters of the Lodge of Unity (Vic Childe) and Almeria Lodge (Malcolm Forrest-Hazell) along with some members of both Lodges is Catalina Flores Morales, the Founder of ASADIS charity in Los Gallardos, Miguel Reyes Martin who was deputising for the Mayoress and Paqui Gonzales Martinez