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Masters & Wardens Seminar &ndash; Saturday 17th September 2016 &ndash; Uxbridge

Masters & Wardens Seminar – Saturday 17th September 2016 – Uxbridge

2016 Masters & Wardens Seminar
Saturday 17th September 2016 – 9:30 for 10am

The Uxbridge Masonic Centre
Western House,
4a Hercies Road,
Middlesex UB10 9NA

Commencing at 10.00AM.

Coffee and registration will be from 9.30AM.

Hosted by W.Bro. Nigel Codron, ProvGDC and W.Bro. Jim Mitchell, PProvDepGDC

Agenda to Follow

Followed by a light finger buffet, which will be provided free of charge.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Email W.Bro. Robert Beale ProvSGD to reserve your place or complete Booking Form HERE