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Masters & Wardens Conference – Saturday 17th September – Uxbridge

Worshipful Master and Wardens Conference 2016
Saturday 17th September – 9:30am
To Worshipful Masters and Bro. Wardens, Thank you to those of you who have already booked for this Conference.

For those WMs and Wardens who haven’t replied yet, I would like to invite you to attend the 2016 WM and Wardens Conference, which is to be held at: The Uxbridge Masonic Centre, Western House, 4a Hercies Road, Hillingdon, Middlesex UB10 9NA on Saturday 17th September 2016, commencing at 10.00AM. Coffee and registration will be from 9.30AM.

This Conference has not been held for a number of years and the Pro Provincial Grand Master has asked me to host this event together with W.Bro. Jim Mitchell PAGDC, PProvDepGDC.

This is an opportunity for new WMs and Wardens to get some invaluable information and tips as you progress on your masonic journey to the highest honour the Lodge has in its power to confer on any of its members.

There will also be a Q&A session where you will have the opportunity to get some answers to any questions that you may have.

To facilitate this, please submit your questions on the form which can be downloaded HERE.

I am sure that you will find the conference interesting and rewarding as well as interactive.

A light finger buffet will be provided free of charge afterwards where you will have the opportunity to talk with the other WMs and Wardens who will be attending.

Please complete the slip at the foot of the letter which can be downloaded HERE and return it to W. Bro. Robert Beale ProvSGD as soon as possible, or send him an email

Email W.Bro. Robert Beale ProvSGD to reserve your place or complete the Booking Form HERE

Please see below the Conference Agenda, which I expect to finish by 12.00 to be followed by the buffet.

Yours sincerely and fraternally

Nigel Codron, ProvGDC


1. Welcome by the Chairman – W. Bro. Nigel Codron, ProvGDC

2. The Master Elect – W. Bro. Jim Mitchell, PProvDepGDC

3. The Meetings – W. Bro. Jim Mitchell, PProvDepGDC

4. Q & A Session

5. The Festive Board – W. Bro. Nigel Codron, ProvGDC

6. The Official Visit – W. Bro. Nigel Codron, ProvGDC

7. Beyond the Chair – W. Bro. Nigel Codron, ProvGDC

8. Q & A Session

9. Closing Remarks – W. Bro. Nigel Codron, ProvGDC


Download a copy of the Letter HERE

Download a copy of the Booking Form HERE

Download a copy of the Agenda HERE

M and W Poster

Download a copy of the flyer HERE